Final transnational project meeting 15 July 2021 online

The final transnational project meeting which had to be held in Florence, has been organised virtually using the Zoom platform on the 15th of July. Partners discussed about the project outcomes, the results achieved so far and the benefits that Educlab had both for partner organisations and their pre-school teachers. Partner representatives also agreed on the last missing documentation in order to prepare the project final report.


Educlab Final Conference

On the 14th of July the EDUCLAB Final Conference took place at the Spazio Giovani C.U.R.E. in Florence, together with a Live Streaming on the CO&SO Facebook page. Thanks to this blended event, we reached more than 250 participants, which was an unexpected success for the Educlab project consortium! Pre-school educators from the associated cooperatives of the CO&SO consortium, together with stakeholders and associated partners, took part into this event. The agenda of the conference foresaw the project presentation and the keynote speech of Mauro Speraggi (Artebambini) who introduced participants to the implementation of workshops for children. Keras cooperative contributed to the Educlab Final Conference too, with the keynote speech of Emanuel Carfora, who told us about the organisation of cultural workshops for kids aged 3-5. To conclude the event in a relaxing atmosphere, an aperitif was offered to all participants.

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